• Who will be supporting the participants?

    We have a team of support staff (aka Buddy Guides) who have a variety of skills, qualifications, and experience. The camps will be staffed depending on the ratios and needs of each participant. At a minimum, every team member has completed the eLearning modules under the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission and holds the following: First Aid (Provide First Aid: HLTAID003), Resuscitation, Blue Card (Working With Children Check) and Yellow Card (Disability Worker Screening). Every camp will have at least one team member who holds a Bronze Medallion (or equivalent), and Food Safety Supervisor qualifications.

  • Can we use our own support workers?

    Yes, if you have a support worker that you would like to assist your child / participant on camp, you can refer them to Nature Moves. Nature Moves will make contact and offer them a position and provide payment. At a minimum, they will need to have completed the eLearning modules under the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission and hold the following: First Aid (Provide First Aid: HLTAID003), Resuscitation, Blue Card (Working With Children Check) and Yellow Card (Disability Worker Screening).

  • What are the sleeping arrangements?

    There are his dormitory and her dormitory-style tents. Max of 6 people per tent. This will be a combination of participants and support staff (aka Buddy Guides). No participant will be on their own and full support is provided 24 hours a day while on camp.

  • How is pick up and drop off arranged for camp?

    Prior to camp, Nature Moves will coordinate with all participants’ primary carers to arrange pick up and drop off at Brisbane / Sunshine Coast Metro areas. Pick up is from 8 am on Monday and drop off is from 4 pm on Friday.

  • How can we get more information?

    Please contact us using the link on this website and we will call you to run through any questions that you have. An orientation video is sent out as part of the pre-camp orientation. Nature Moves runs two Open Days a year where you can come along and see the camp set up and have any of your questions answered. Please see the home page of this website for the next Open Day date.

  • What if my child / participant isn't coping while on camp?

    Nature Moves will make all reasonable modifications to support every participant on camp. If needed, our team will contact the parents or emergency contact and decide the best way forward. We aim to see all participants complete the full camp with an incredible experience.

  • My child requires the support of mobility device, can they participate in the camp?

    Due to the nature of the camp and the daily activities, it will be difficult for a child who requires the support of a mobility device to participate in the full range of activities. At this stage, we do not believe your child will be getting the benefits that we aim to deliver with our camp experiences. However, this is something that we are working towards in the future!

  • My child is on a behaviour management plan, can they participate in the camp?

    The team at Nature Moves will not be engaging in any restrictive practices, so if the behavior management plan calls for restrictive practices to be used (including medication), unfortunately, we cannot support those participants at this stage.

  • My NDIS plan is agency managed, am I able to participate in the camp?

    In order to use your NDIS funding for our camps, your plan needs to be Self Managed or Plan Managed. Unfortunately, NDIS funding can’t be used for agency-managed plans at this stage.

  • My child has very special dietary requirements, can they participate in the camp?

    Nature Moves aims to cater to all dietary requirements. If there are very particular foods that your child requires, you are able to provide your own food.

  • My child requires assistance with self care, like bathing and toileting. How will this be accomodated at camp?

    The needs of each participant are matched with appropriate support staff and assistance with self-care is a big part of this. All camps will be over-staffed to ensure that 1 to 1 support is available at varying times, particularly around self-care.

  • My child can't swim, will they still be able to participate in this camp?

    Yes! Water activities, kayaking, and stand up paddle boarding are all optional. Life jackets will be worn at all times when kayaking and stand up paddle boarding. If you do not want your child to participate in these activities, there will be alternative activities carried out on the foreshore. Every child will have a fun experience, both in and out of the water!

  • Can parents participate?

    Yes, parents are welcome to attend. We have small 2 person tents for the parent or parent and child to use. There is an additional fee of $500 for parents to attend. This is to cover the additional costs and is not covered by NDIS.

  • Are iPads or devices allowed at camp?

    All devices brought on camp must remain in the vehicles, with the exception of planned evening device time. Devices can be used during transport (with headphones) and after showers / before dinner each evening. Nature Moves does not take any responsibility for devices brought on camp.

  • What happens if it rains?

    Nature Moves aims to run camps as planned, however, in severe weather alternative arrangements will be made. If needed, camps will be relocated to an indoor facility either through Air BnB or similar group accommodation. Indoor activities will be arranged and daily excursions will take place to weather-appropriate locations. Any changes to the camp itinerary will be shared in the lead-up to camp.